Student: David C.



  • Name: David C.
  • Grade When We Met Him: 10th grade
  • General Interest: Politics
  • 9th Grade Activities:
    • Student Council: Class representative
    • Finance Club: Member
    • Science Olympiad: Member
    • Piano
  • Initial Major Intent: Political Science
  • Target Schools: Dartmouth, Cornell, Duke, and Brown


Localization: We provided David with a locally relevant topic—congressional redistricting in his district—to illustrate authentic engagement and develop his perspective.

Specificity: We built around a specific concept related to public policy—engaged citizenship—to focus his application.

Ethos Development: We combined David’s personal factors and engagement experiences to develop a clear and authentic application ethos/theme/brand.

Suggested Additional Engagements:

  • Locally Relevant Research Question: Congressional Redistricting Investigation
    • Congressional Redistricting Project:
      • Partnered with the Asian Legal Defense and Education Fund for fair redistricting.
      • Testified before the State Congressional Redistricting Commission.
    • Research and Publication:
      • Published a 21-page paper on civics education in the Curieux Academic Journal.

  • Academically Relevant Volunteerism:
    • Youth Liaison for the League of Women Voters:
      • Led local civics education efforts and advocated for integrated curricula and volunteer opportunities.

Developing the Ethos:

  • Personal Qualities: Empathetic, engaged, proactive, collaborative.
  • Ethos Statement: “I have always loved investigating how policies impact our lives, but it wasn’t until I investigated congressional redistricting that I began to understand that effective policy development and implementation is only possible when we proactively engage and educate stakeholders.”
  • Infusion of Ethos into Application Elements: We ensured that David’s application clearly conveyed his personal qualities and experiences related to engaged citizenship.


Through focused engagement, tailored guidance, and a strong, authentic application ethos, Ivy League Admissions helped David stand out in the competitive admissions process.

Results: David’s application resonated deeply with the admissions committees, leading to his successful admission to his top-choice schools: Dartmouth, Cornell, Duke, and Brown. His unique perspective on public policy and civic engagement, combined with his active involvement in local initiatives and published research, showcased his readiness for academic challenges and contributions to campus life.

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